World's Most Endangered Animals

Amur Leopard - A critically endangered big cat that is found in the far east of Russia and northeast China.

Vaquita - A critically endangered porpoise that lives only in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico.

Sumatran Elephant - A critically endangered elephant species that is found only on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

Javan Rhinoceros - A critically endangered species of rhinoceros that is found only in the Ujung Kulon National Park on the island of Java in Indonesia.

Mountain Gorilla - A critically endangered species of gorilla that lives in the mountains of Central Africa, specifically in the Virunga Massif.

Pangolin - A critically endangered mammal that is heavily hunted for its meat and scales, which are used in traditional medicine.

Sea Turtle - Many species of sea turtles, such as the Hawksbill turtle and the Leatherback turtle, are critically endangered due to habitat loss, egg harvesting, and accidental capture in fishing gear.

Snow Leopard - A critically endangered big cat that lives in the mountains of Central and South Asia.

Saola - A critically endangered species of antelope-like mammal that is found only in the Annamite Range of Vietnam and Laos.

Black Rhino - A critically endangered species of rhinoceros that is found in eastern and southern Africa.