Top 10 Shortest Living Animals in the World

Mayfly - Mayflies have the shortest lifespan of any insect, with some species living only a few hours.

Gastrotrich - Gastrotrichs are tiny aquatic animals that live for just a few days.

Drone Ant - Male drone ants live for just a few weeks and have the sole purpose of mating with the queen.

Housefly - Houseflies have a lifespan of around 28 days, during which time they reproduce rapidly.

Adult Ephemeroptera - Adult Ephemeroptera, or mayflies, typically live for just a few hours or days, during which time they mate and lay eggs.

Gypsy Moth - Gypsy moths have a lifespan of around 1-2 months, during which time they feed on trees and lay eggs.

Chironomid midge - Chironomid midges are small aquatic insects that live for just a few days as adults.

Dragonfly - Dragonflies have a lifespan of around 6 months to a year, during which time they hunt and mate.

Mosquito - Mosquitoes have a lifespan of around 2 weeks to a month, during which time they feed on blood and reproduce.

House Mouse - House mice have a lifespan of around 1-2 years, during which time they can produce multiple litters of offspring.