Top 10 Oldest Restaurants in the World

Stiftskeller St. Peter, Austria: Located in Salzburg, Austria, Stiftskeller St. Peter is considered one of the oldest continuously operating restaurants in the world, with roots dating back to the 9th century.

Zum Franziskaner, Germany: Situated in Stockholm, Sweden, Zum Franziskaner claims to be one of the oldest restaurants in Europe, tracing its origins back to 1421.

La Couronne, France: La Couronne is a historic restaurant in Rouen, France, dating back to 1345. It is known for its traditional French cuisine and its association with famous personalities such as Julia Child.

The Brazen Head, Ireland: The Brazen Head in Dublin, Ireland, is said to have been established in 1198, making it one of the oldest pubs in Ireland and possibly the oldest in Dublin.

The Old House, China: Located in Guilin, China, The Old House is a restaurant housed in a building that dates back to the Tang Dynasty, making it one of the oldest restaurants in China.

Antica Trattoria della Pesa, Italy: Situated in Milan, Italy, Antica Trattoria della Pesa has been operating since 1880 and is known for its traditional Italian dishes and cozy atmosphere.

Botín, Spain: Botín, located in Madrid, Spain, holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest restaurant in continuous operation, dating back to 1725. It is renowned for its roast suckling pig and lamb dishes.

Luchow's, USA: Luchow's was a historic German-American restaurant that operated in New York City from 1882 to 1984. It was known for its German cuisine and served as a gathering place for artists, politicians, and celebrities.

Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, England: Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem in Nottingham, England, claims to have been established in 1189. It is believed to be one of the oldest pubs in England.

Sobrino de Botín, Spain: Sobrino de Botín in Madrid, Spain, has a history dating back to 1725, making it one of the oldest continuously operating restaurants in the world. It is known for its traditional Castilian cuisine and roast suckling pig.