Top 10 Oldest Cat Breeds Ever

Egyptian Mau: The Egyptian Mau is believed to be one of the oldest cat breeds, dating back to ancient Egypt. This breed is known for its spotted coat and distinctive "M" marking on its forehead.

Siamese: The Siamese cat is also an ancient breed that originated in Thailand. This breed is known for its striking blue eyes and vocal personality.

Persian: The Persian cat is one of the most popular cat breeds today and is believed to have originated in Persia (modern-day Iran) over 1,000 years ago. This breed is known for its long, silky coat and affectionate personality.

Turkish Angora: The Turkish Angora is another ancient breed that has been around for over a thousand years. This breed is known for its soft, silky coat and playful personality.

Maine Coon: The Maine Coon is a large, long-haired breed that is believed to have originated in North America. While its exact origins are unclear, the breed has been around for several hundred years and is known for its friendly, outgoing personality.

Japanese Bobtail: The Japanese Bobtail is a breed that has been around for centuries and is believed to have originated in Japan. This breed is known for its distinctive bobbed tail and playful personality.

Manx: The Manx is a breed that is believed to have originated on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. This breed is known for its lack of a tail and its friendly, outgoing personality.

Abyssinian: The Abyssinian is an ancient breed that is believed to have originated in Egypt. This breed is known for its short, silky coat and its active, curious personality.

Chartreux: The Chartreux is a breed that is believed to have originated in France over 1,000 years ago. This breed is known for its blue-gray coat and its calm, gentle personality.

Norwegian Forest Cat: The Norwegian Forest Cat is a breed that is believed to have originated in Norway over 1,000 years ago. This breed is known for its long, thick coat and its playful, adventurous personality.