Top 10 Strangest Museums In The World

Icelandic Phallological Museum - Reykjavik, Iceland: This museum features an extensive collection of over 200 penises and penile parts from animals native to Iceland.

Sulabh International Museum of Toilets - New Delhi, India: This museum showcases the history and evolution of toilets and sanitation systems from around the world.

Museum of Bad Art - Massachusetts, USA: This museum displays a collection of "bad" artwork, including paintings, sculptures, and other art forms that are often considered subpar.

Museum of Death - Los Angeles, USA: This museum features exhibits on death, including crime scene photos, autopsy instruments, and other items related to death and dying.

Dog Collar Museum - Kent, England: This museum features a collection of over 100 dog collars from the 16th century to the present day.

Museum of Broken Relationships - Zagreb, Croatia: This museum displays artifacts and mementos from failed relationships, including love letters, clothing, and other personal items.

The Mutter Museum - Pennsylvania, USA: This museum features a collection of medical oddities, including preserved human specimens, antique medical equipment, and other unusual items.

Avanos Hair Museum - Cappadocia, Turkey: This museum displays a collection of thousands of locks of hair from women who have visited the museum.

Museum of the Paranormal - Pennsylvania, USA: This museum features exhibits related to the paranormal, including ghost hunting equipment, haunted artifacts, and other paranormal items.

Torture Museum - Amsterdam, Netherlands: This museum features exhibits related to torture throughout history, including medieval torture devices, execution equipment, and other items related to torture and punishment.