Top 10 Blue Animals in the World

Blue Whale: The blue whale is the largest animal in the world and has a bluish-grey color on its skin.

Blue Morpho Butterfly: The blue morpho butterfly is a bright blue butterfly found in Central and South America.

Blue-Footed Booby: The blue-footed booby is a seabird found in the Pacific Ocean and is known for its bright blue feet.

Blue Octopus: The blue-ringed octopus is a small, venomous octopus found in the Pacific Ocean and is known for its blue rings.

Blue Tang: The blue tang is a bright blue fish found in the coral reefs of the Pacific Ocean.

Blue Iguana: The blue iguana is a large, endangered reptile found in the Caribbean and is known for its blue coloration.

Blue Glaucus: The blue glaucus, also known as the "blue dragon," is a small, blue sea slug found in the oceans of the world.

Blue Crab: The blue crab is a species of crab found in the Atlantic Ocean and is known for its blue claws.

Blue Jay: The blue jay is a common bird found in North America and is known for its bright blue feathers.

Blue-eyed Black Lemur: The blue-eyed black lemur is a primate found only on the island of Madagascar and is known for its striking blue eyes.