Brown Bear: Brown bears enter a deep hibernation during the winter months. Their body temperature drops, and their heart rate and metabolism slow down significantly.
Ground Squirrel: Ground squirrels, such as the Arctic ground squirrel, hibernate for extended periods, sometimes up to eight months, to survive the cold winters in their habitats.
Hedgehog: Hedgehogs hibernate during the winter, typically between November and March. They seek shelter in nests and experience a drop in body temperature and metabolic rate.
Bats: Many bat species hibernate to survive the winter. They find shelter in caves, trees, or buildings and lower their metabolic rate to conserve energy.
Woodchuck: Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, hibernate for several months during winter. They enter a state of reduced activity, with significantly lowered body temperature and metabolic rate.
Box Turtle: Box turtles hibernate during the winter by burrowing into the ground and slowing down their bodily functions to conserve energy.
European Dormouse: The European dormouse hibernates for several months, typically from October to April. They construct nests in trees or shrubs and reduce their metabolic activity.
Fat-tailed Dwarf Lemur: The fat-tailed dwarf lemur, found in Madagascar, is known for its hibernation ability. It enters a state of torpor during the dry season to conserve energy.
Gila Monster: The Gila monster, a venomous lizard found in the southwestern United States and Mexico, undergoes a period of dormancy during the colder months of the year.
Alpine Marmot: Alpine marmots hibernate during the winter to survive the harsh mountain conditions. They retreat to their burrows and experience a reduction in metabolic activity.