Also known as the "killer bee," the Africanized honey bee is a hybrid bee that is the result of crossbreeding between African honey bees and European honey bees. They are highly aggressive and will attack in large swarms when threatened.
Yellow Jacke
Yellow jackets are a type of wasp that are known for their aggressive behavior. They will sting repeatedly and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.
Paper Wasp
Paper wasps are a type of social wasp that are known for their aggressive behavior when their nests are disturbed. They will sting repeatedly and can cause severe pain and swelling.
Bald-faced Hornet
Bald-faced hornets are a type of social wasp that are known for their aggressive behavior when their nests are disturbed. They will attack in large numbers and can cause severe pain and swelling.
European Hornet
European hornets are a type of hornet that are known for their aggressive behavior when their nests are disturbed. They will attack in large numbers and can cause severe pain and swelling.