Birds that sings at night

Nightingale: Nightingales are renowned for their beautiful and melodious songs, often heard during the night. They are known for their complex and varied repertoire, and their singing is particularly prominent during the breeding season.

Common Poorwill: This North American bird is active at night and has a distinctive repetitive song that can be heard after sunset and into the early hours of the morning.

Eastern Whip-poor-will: Named after its distinctive song, the Eastern Whip-poor-will is a nocturnal bird found in North America. Its call is a repetitive "whip-poor-will" that can be heard during the night.

Tawny Owl: Tawny Owls are known for their hooting calls, which are often heard during the night. Their calls serve as territorial signals and are commonly associated with wooded areas in Europe.

Barking Owl: The Barking Owl, native to Australia and Southeast Asia, is known for its unique call, which resembles the sound of a barking dog. They often vocalize during the night, particularly around dusk and dawn.

Little Owl: Little Owls are small owls found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They have a distinctive call consisting of a series of short, repetitive whistles, which they often vocalize during the night.

Scops Owls: Various species of Scops Owls, such as the Eurasian Scops Owl and the Oriental Scops Owl, are known for their nocturnal vocalizations. They produce a series of trills and hoots during the night.

Barn Owl: While Barn Owls are primarily silent during flight, they can produce a range of sounds including hisses, screeches, and raspy calls, especially during the night.