Animals That Roll Into a Ball

Armadillos: Armadillos are known for their ability to roll into a ball, forming a protective armored shell. This behavior allows them to shield their soft underbelly when threatened.

Hedgehogs: Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals that curl up into a tight ball when they feel threatened. Their spines provide them with an effective defense against predators.

Pangolins: Pangolins are unique mammals covered in tough, overlapping scales. When they sense danger, they will curl up into a ball, presenting their armored scales as a protective barrier.

Pillbugs (Roly-Polies): Pillbugs, also known as roly-polies, are isopod crustaceans that can roll into a tight ball when disturbed, protecting their soft bodies.

Certain Species of Beetles: Some species of beetles, such as the pill scarab beetles, exhibit rolling behavior when threatened, protecting their delicate appendages.

Certain Species of Spiders: Some spiders, like the armadillo girdled spider (Araneus armadillo), curl up into a ball-like shape as part of their defense mechanism.

Woodlice (also known as "Roly-Polies" in some regions): Woodlice are small crustaceans that can be found in damp, dark environments like under rocks or decaying vegetation. When threatened, woodlice can roll their bodies into a tight ball, providing protection for their delicate underside.