Animals That Eat Their Own Babies

Hamsters: Female hamsters are known to eat their own young, especially if they are stressed or feel threatened.

Spotted hyenas: Female spotted hyenas are known to kill and eat cubs from other females in their social group to establish dominance and improve their own offspring's chances of survival.

Black eagles: Black eagles sometimes practice filial cannibalism, usually when the nest has been disturbed or the chicks are weak or sickly.

Polar bears: In captivity, polar bears have been known to kill and eat their own cubs, possibly due to stress or lack of maternal experience.

Rats: Both male and female rats have been known to kill and eat their own young, especially if they are under stress or their nest is overcrowded.

Praying mantis: Female praying mantises are known to eat their male partners during or after mating, as well as their own offspring if they feel threatened.

Lions: Male lions are known to kill cubs that are not their own, possibly to eliminate competition for resources or to establish dominance.