9 Lesser Known Facts About Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Multilingual abilities: Roy was fluent in multiple languages, including Bengali, Hindi, Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, and English. His linguistic skills helped him in his efforts to communicate and collaborate with people from different backgrounds.

Early career in business: Before dedicating himself to social reforms, Roy had a successful career as a businessman. He worked as a private secretary to a revenue official and managed his own indigo factory.

Advocate for women's rights: Raja Ram Mohan Roy championed women's rights and actively fought against practices like sati (the immolation of widows on their husband's funeral pyre). He co-founded the Brahmo Samaj, a socio-religious reform movement that advocated for gender equality.

Promoter of education: Roy strongly believed in the power of education to uplift society. He established several schools and colleges, including the Anglo-Hindu School in Calcutta (now Kolkata), to promote modern education and scientific temper.

Champion of social reforms: Roy fought against various social evils prevalent in Indian society, such as child marriage, polygamy, and the caste system. He emphasized the need for a rational and progressive approach to social issues.

Philanthropy: Roy actively engaged in philanthropic activities and donated a significant portion of his income to charitable causes. He supported initiatives related to education, healthcare, and relief for the poor.

Journalist and writer: Roy was an accomplished writer and journalist. He founded newspapers and magazines, such as Sambad Kaumudi and Brahmonical Magazine, to spread awareness about social issues and promote critical thinking.

International connections: Roy had connections with various intellectuals and reformers outside India. He corresponded with prominent figures like Thomas Jefferson, who sent him books and shared their views on democracy and human rights.

Advocate for religious harmony: Roy believed in the unity of religions and worked towards religious harmony. He criticized religious orthodoxy and aimed to bridge the gap between different faiths through rational dialogue.