7 Most Commonly Forgotten Items in Cab

Mobile phones: Mobile phones are one of the most commonly forgotten items in cabs. People often leave them on the seats or forget them in the pockets of the seat in front of them.

Keys: House or car keys are another item that people often forget in cabs. It's easy to forget them in the excitement of arriving at your destination.

Wallets and purses: Wallets and purses are often forgotten in cabs, especially if they are tucked away in a bag or pocket.

Umbrellas: Umbrellas are commonly forgotten items in cabs, especially on rainy days.

Sunglasses: Sunglasses are often forgotten in cabs, especially if they are taken off and placed on the seat or in a bag.

Water bottles: People often forget their water bottles in cabs, especially if they are in a rush or distracted.

Jackets and coats: Jackets and coats are commonly forgotten in cabs, especially if the weather is warm when you leave your home or office, and you don't realize how chilly it will be later.