6 Indian Cities With Worst Air Quality Index

Delhi - The capital city of India consistently ranks among the most polluted cities in the world. During winter months, Delhi's air quality often reaches hazardous levels due to the combined effects of stubble burning in nearby states, vehicular emissions, and industrial pollution.

Kolkata - The air quality in Kolkata has been deteriorating over the years due to rapid urbanization and increasing vehicular traffic. High levels of particulate matter (PM) are the primary pollutants in Kolkata's air.

Mumbai - The air quality in Mumbai is affected by various factors, including vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, and construction activities. The city also experiences high levels of PM due to its coastal location, which causes sea salt to mix with the air pollutants.

Chennai - The air quality in Chennai is mainly impacted by vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, and dust from construction activities. The city also experiences seasonal variations in air quality, with the monsoon season being relatively better than the rest of the year.

Lucknow - The air quality in Lucknow has been deteriorating over the years due to increasing vehicular traffic, industrial pollution, and open burning of waste. The city experiences high levels of PM during the winter months, which leads to a spike in respiratory illnesses.

Patna - The air quality in Patna is affected by a combination of vehicular emissions, industrial pollution, and open burning of waste. The city experiences high levels of PM and other pollutants during the winter months, which leads to a spike in respiratory illnesses.

It's important to note that air quality can vary day-to-day and season-to-season, and AQI levels can change rapidly. It's always a good idea to check the real-time air quality data before planning outdoor activities, especially during the winter months.