5 Tourist Places Where Rupee Will Make You Feel Rich

Bali, Indonesia

The Indonesian Rupiah is weaker than the Indian Rupee, making Bali a relatively affordable destination. The island is known for its stunning beaches, ancient temples, and rich cultural heritage.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is another destination where the Indian Rupee goes a long way. The country offers a mix of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and outdoor activities, including hiking and wildlife safaris.


Nepal is a mountainous country known for its stunning landscapes, including Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak. The Nepalese Rupee is weaker than the Indian Rupee, making it an affordable destination for budget travelers.


Cambodia is home to some of the world's most famous temples, including the Angkor Wat complex. The country's currency, the Cambodian Riel, is weaker than the Indian Rupee, making it an affordable destination.


Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country known for its rich culture, delicious food, and stunning natural beauty. The Vietnamese Dong is weaker than the Indian Rupee, making it a relatively affordable destination for budget-conscious travelers.