10 foods that should be avoided during summer

Fried and greasy foods: Fried and greasy foods are heavy and can cause indigestion and discomfort in hot weather.

Spicy foods: Spicy foods can increase body temperature and cause sweating, which can lead to dehydration.

Carbonated drinks: Carbonated drinks can dehydrate the body and cause bloating and discomfort.

Alcohol: Alcohol can dehydrate the body and increase the risk of heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

Red meat: Red meat takes longer to digest and can cause a heavy feeling in the stomach, especially in hot weather.

Caffeine: Caffeine can cause dehydration and increase body temperature, so it's best to consume it in moderation.

Processed and packaged foods: Processed and packaged foods can contain high amounts of salt and preservatives, which can lead to dehydration.

Heavy desserts: Heavy desserts can be difficult to digest in hot weather and can cause discomfort and bloating.

Hot soups: Hot soups can increase body temperature and cause sweating, which can lead to dehydration.

High-sugar foods: High-sugar foods can cause a spike in blood sugar levels and increase the risk of dehydration.