10 Easiest Countries to Get a Schengen Visa

Latvia: Latvia has a relatively high visa acceptance rate, making it one of the easiest countries to get a Schengen visa.

Lithuania: Similar to Latvia, Lithuania has a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas.

Estonia: Estonia is another Baltic country that has a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas.

Poland: Poland is known for having a straightforward visa application process and a high acceptance rate.

Slovakia: Slovakia is a lesser-known destination for travelers, but it has a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas.

Slovenia: Slovenia has a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas and is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Hungary: Hungary has a relatively low visa rejection rate, making it an easier country to get a Schengen visa for.

Czech Republic: The Czech Republic is another popular destination with a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas.

Portugal: Portugal is known for having a relatively easy visa application process, making it a popular destination for travelers.

Greece: Greece is another popular destination with a high acceptance rate for Schengen visas.