10 Countries with Highest Fuel Prices

Hong Kong: Due to high taxes and limited land space, fuel prices in Hong Kong tend to be among the highest in the world.

Norway: Despite being an oil-producing nation, Norway has high fuel prices due to heavy taxes and environmental policies that discourage fuel consumption.

Iceland: Iceland has high fuel prices due to its remote location, reliance on imported fuel, and environmental policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

Netherlands: The Netherlands imposes high taxes on fuel to discourage car usage and promote sustainable transportation options.

Denmark: Denmark has high fuel prices due to significant taxes aimed at reducing carbon emissions and encouraging alternative forms of transportation.

Sweden: Sweden's fuel prices are driven by high taxes and environmental policies that prioritize reducing carbon emissions.

Italy: Fuel prices in Italy are influenced by high taxes and a reliance on imported oil.

Greece: Greece has relatively high fuel prices due to taxes and levies imposed on fuel to help cover the country's economic challenges.

United Kingdom: Fuel prices in the UK are influenced by high taxes, including a fuel duty and value-added tax (VAT).

Germany: Germany has high fuel prices due to a combination of taxes, environmental regulations, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions.