10 Animals That Don't Sleep Like You And Me

Dolphins: Dolphins are known for their unique sleeping patterns. They shut down only one hemisphere of their brain at a time while keeping the other hemisphere awake. This allows them to maintain awareness of their surroundings and avoid danger while resting.

Bullfrogs: Bullfrogs can sleep through the winter months without waking up. They slow down their metabolism and survive on stored energy during this time.

Giraffes: Giraffes sleep for short durations, usually no more than 30 minutes a day. They take short naps while standing, often with their necks resting on their bodies or on a tree branch.

Elephants: Elephants sleep for only a few hours a day, usually standing up. They can sleep while standing by locking their knees in place and resting their trunks on the ground.

Cows: Cows sleep for short periods throughout the day and night, totaling about four hours a day. They often sleep while standing up, but can also sleep lying down.

Horses: Horses sleep for short durations throughout the day and night, totaling about three hours a day. They often sleep standing up, but can also sleep lying down.

Ants: Ants don't sleep in the same way humans do. They rest in short bursts throughout the day and night, usually for only a few minutes at a time.

Sharks: Sharks don't sleep in the traditional sense but instead enter a state of rest called "tonic immobility." During this state, they become still and motionless, but their brains remain active.

Whales: Whales sleep for short durations throughout the day and night, but like dolphins, they only shut down one hemisphere of their brain at a time.

Sloths: Sloths sleep for long durations, up to 15 hours a day. They often sleep while hanging upside down from trees, using their strong grip to hold on while they sleep.