10 Most Expensive Chicken Breeds in the World

Ayam Cemani: Originating from Indonesia, Ayam Cemani chickens are known for their entirely black feathers, skin, and even internal organs. Due to their unique appearance and rarity, they are often considered one of the most expensive chicken breeds.

Serama: Serama chickens are a Malaysian breed known for their small size, upright posture, and striking appearance. They are highly sought after by chicken enthusiasts and collectors, which can contribute to their higher prices.

Svart Hona: Also known as Swedish Black Hens, Svart Hona chickens have entirely black plumage. They are a rare and relatively new breed outside of Sweden, which contributes to their higher price.

Sultan: Sultan chickens are known for their distinctive crests, fluffy plumage, and elegant appearance. Their rarity and unique characteristics often make them more expensive than other breeds.

Phoenix: Phoenix chickens are known for their long, flowing tail feathers, which can reach impressive lengths. Their graceful appearance and desirable plumage contribute to their higher price range.

Silver Spangled Hamburg: Silver Spangled Hamburgs are an ornamental breed originating from Germany. They have striking silver and black-spangled feathers, and their elegance and rarity can make them more expensive.

Crevecoeur: Crevecoeur chickens are an ancient French breed known for their unique v-shaped comb and striking black feathers. They are relatively rare and sought after by breeders and enthusiasts.

Golden Pheasant: Golden Pheasant chickens, also known as Red Pyle, are a striking breed with a golden or red plumage pattern. They are considered a rare and ornamental breed, which can contribute to their higher price.

La Flèche: La Flèche chickens are a French breed with a distinctive upright posture, v-shaped comb, and large, white earlobes. Their rarity and unique appearance can make them more expensive.

Marans: Marans chickens are known for their dark brown eggs, which are highly valued by many. While not as rare or expensive as some other breeds on the list, certain lines of Marans, such as the Black Copper Marans, can command higher prices due to their egg color and quality.