Black cats are bad luck: This is a common superstition that is simply not true. In many cultures, black cats are actually considered good luck.
Cats can see in total darkness: While cats do have excellent night vision, they still need some light to see. In complete darkness, they cannot see any better than humans.
Cats always land on their feet: While cats do have a remarkable ability to right themselves in mid-air, they can still be injured from falls.
Cats are solitary animals: While cats are often portrayed as independent animals, many actually enjoy social interaction with both other cats and humans.
Cats are untrainable: This is simply not true. While cats may not be as easily trainable as dogs, they can still learn a variety of tricks and behaviors.
Cats are not affectionate: Many people believe that cats are aloof and unaffectionate, but this is simply not true. Cats can be very loving and affectionate with their owners.
Cats are not loyal: While cats may not be as loyal as dogs, they can still form strong bonds with their owners and show affection in their own way.
Cats always land on their feet: While cats have an incredible ability to right themselves in mid-air, they can still be injured from falls.
Cats are not intelligent: Cats are actually very intelligent animals that can learn and problem-solve in a variety of situations.
Cats are low-maintenance pets: While cats may not require as much attention as dogs, they still require proper care, including regular veterinary check-ups, grooming, and a healthy diet.